Middle East Islamic studies course? Waseda University Faculty of Letters

Middle East Islamic studies course? Waseda University Faculty of Letters

Middle East Islamic studies course? Waseda University Faculty of Letters Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Middle East Islamic Research Course [Middle East Islamic Quest for the study] This course is a new course, which was opened in 2.0 years. As tackle [Middle East Islamic studies] The course, bursting the past of mankind, it is delve into the current challenges, illuminate the future academic. While learning from the fertile history and past of wisdom, gouging sharply the global world of modern deepen the confusion, we will work in order to made more sure the look and poised for the future. The goal of the course, the Middle East earnest and academically learn about Islam, is in place to develop human resources and researchers who are active in Earth-sized over various fields. Language education for the, study support, does not also essential joint research and education programs with overseas research institutes. Therefore, tied to the triangle in the Middle East local and research and educational institutions of Europe and the United States, we aim to build a multi-level research and education organization.

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