[Islamic State] Why was born? In international political scientist ...
[Islamic State] Why was born?
The situation in the Middle East has changed drastically by the extremist organization [Islamic State] (IS = Islamic State), such as cruel terrorism is threatening the international community. But, even watching the news, in our A there are many that do not understand. Why were born Islamic countries, in association with the history and international affairs, who described an easy-to-understand.
One of the causes is the war in Iraq
You can A basic, [Islamic State] (hereinafter, IS) Why did you born?
B First of all, whether you are active in the Where is the IS, do you know?
The A Middle East of Syria and Iraq have been reported that are to be based.
B likely. The [territory] has conquered northern Syria and Iraq Northwest. The activity has been activated is from 0 years. Why was this time?
Do you have relationships A war in Iraq?
B certainly there is a war in Iraq to one of opportunity of IS birth. To 0 years in the town of Fallujah in western Iraq, it IS has taken the first step.